Ellen Stanford

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The excitement of fall!

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samples Excited for Fall! When I was a kid, the upcoming school year seemed to hold so much promise, new teachers, new friends to make and most important to me, new school clothes!

I always wanted my Mom to use my school clothes budget to buy me just a few key pieces to add to my wardrobe, then I would sew the rest. I poured over the fat September issues of Seventeen, Glamour and Vogue magazines for inspiration. My Mother loved fabric too, and she never said no to her daughters developing addiction. I could always get her to buy me fabric! This was a fact that escaped my sisters, but they didn't really care anyway, since most girls wore jeans and flannel shirts to school.

When my son was growing up, I loved the promise of school shopping...soon he would be back at class, I would have my days free. I did the "Mommy Dance of Joy" that accompanied the first day of school each year. I still enjoy getting "School Supplies" on sale to bolster my office stash.

Nowadays, I get excited because Fall means new fabric samples! One of these days, very soon, a big box will arrive unexpectedly at my door. It will be nice and heavy and when I open it, it will have so many new and beautiful fabrics inside to inspire me and my customers. "NEW SAMPLES" The promise of the latest the Home Decor Industry has to offer. The newest Colors, patterns and textures. All demanding a new level of creativity to use them in exciting and innovative ways. When I get jazzed about a new color scheme or pattern, it is infectious for my customers. When we freshen up the home before the winter arrives, it allows the extra time we spend in our nests that much more comfortable and cozy!

Tagged in: fabrics samples sewing

Initially a Fashion Designer, I brought my love of fabrics to the home fashion industry.  Creating beautiful window treatments for my customers is my passion!
